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Age - New to the swingers community - is age a factor in how a couple is viewed? - think i will get my walker and hobble down to the drug store and get my viagra filled and get momma some fixodent,come to think of it,to hell with the fixodent. yall yungun`s have fun,when you reach the end of your age bracket then what are you going to do
Go turn on Oprah - re:swingers - We were surprised that you, Wanda, weren't on the show. I bet you could have told some stories..........
New Lifestyle Destination Coming Soon - There is a new lifestyle-only "BnB" club opening this Fall in the Ozarks - Funny you should mention this... my wife has a dream of opening a swingers BNB when we retire.....
Playing with \"swingers\" vs \"nonswingers\" - - Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! We are not \"seasoned\" swingers by any means, and I appreciate more veteran input. I knew my guts were telling me something was not right, and honestly, I now really regret having said anything to him at first.
Yes there are plenty of hot swingers here on this site and it wasn\'t that I needed to go outside of it to find action..it was my drunken flirting that got the best of me
:p Wont do that again!
Thanks again guys!
Girls that are into DP - How common is this activity among the swingers? - with the right couple, or single man, np, why not?
Verified "Real" People - - [quote=DE2OFUS]Sorry folks, you are wrong. This is not a "who is cheating on their spouse" site. This is a swingers' website. A site designed to allow persons to have sex with other persons who are not their legal spouse. The question is, "verified REAL people". The gentleman in question, who INFORMED the young lady who started this post that he was married and cheating, was apparently VERY real. It is not up to you to call this man out as someone to stay away from. It is ENTIRELY up to you whether or not you want him to have sex with your wife, KNOWING he is married and cheating. Else, where do we draw the line? Is it up to me to send a note to the entire community if I believe your wife had a hygiene problem? Should I call her out by name in a forum and label her as someone to stay away from? I think not. The question was whether or not the guy was real...he was...and, again, probably more "real" than most of the people on this site.[/quote]
[quote=TINKFROMHELL]I am really interested in the feature as it is suppose to help clear out the fake people on the site, right?? I just talked with a "Single Male" that is interested in hooking up with couples and single females. However he isn't single he is married and is looking to cheat on his wife. So why do we even have that feature when they verifies a liar.[/quote]
Sorry DE2OFUS, but you are wrong. The verification process is to verify that a Couple is is a real couple or a Single Female is a Single Female and not a Single Male masquerading as a couple or single female as a way to infiltrate the site being something other than a single male. That was happening at the beginning of this site. It caused a lot of problems. It is not a question of whether this person is a real person or not. But, if we were to take the Real Seal literally, it is for 'Verification' to prove that this person is what he claims. He claimed on his profile to be 'single'. He admitted he is NOT single. Therefore the verification would have been false as he was NOT a Real 'Single' Male. He was married, whether cheating or not.
[quote=ADMINISTRATOR] As a matter of fact [The VIP and REAL seal verification] was NEVER intended for single males and we actually stopped verifying them because people were thinking that we were vouching for them. The only purpose the seal serves is to know that you are truly talking to real couples or single females.
Single men have it hard as it is so why would anyone want to fake being one. And when we verify somebody, we do not verify their looks, age, color, build or any physical property so that doesn't help single men either. [/quote]
For the people who do care if the SM is lying or not, men like this do a great disservice to a SM like myself who is honest and truly single, not lying on his profile about his status. And remember that Swinging by it's nature must be about honest communication. It doesn't matter that this person 'admitted' a lie. What matters is that he LIED, and that the person who posted this question wanted him to be single, not a lying cheater.
upside down pineapple? - - [quote=Armadale]sometimes a 'pineapple' can indicated a cannibals enthusiast I image the results of any accidental overlap of swingers & freaks would be hilarious [/quote]
tenses, quotation marks, cannibalism...
Vegas Next Week - - Anybody gonna be in Vegas next week? Gonna hit up our first Swingers club. If so hit us up, let's hang.
Swingers Kickball Society - - Our next Meeting will be Thursday July 8th...
YAHOO SCREEN NAMES - ADD UR SCREEN NAME TO BE CONTACTED - rlf1234us is our swingers email.