
Taylor Swingers in Wisconsin

Taylor Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Taylor, WI, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Taylor looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Taylor, WI. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Taylor, Wisconsin Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Taylor, Wisconsin so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Taylor Swingers right away!

Looking to establish a group of safe swingers - - This sounds like a fantastic concept. We have had some groups over the years that have been a great time. Unfortunately people move or leave the lifestyle so it never lasts forever. We are interested though

New Topic...Dead Horses...Pest or Dead Sexy? - - Lets see? Either a marked propensity for some on here to want to beat them,or could it be a suggestion for location to have a swingers camp out like dead horse point? Hmmmm... though once dead they can be a pain to bury requiring rather large holes.

Gym locations again 2018!!! - Which gyms are you guys at? - [quote=XANADUME][quote=HELISWINGER]I’ve heard of treehouse. Is it true you guys have butlers? 😂[/quote] We are at Treehouse. Yes, we have butlers there, but we call them "man-servants or "towel boys." Lol Ironically we have never even been blinked at, let alone HIT on at the infamous "swingers gym." The staff is fastidiously careful to avoid even the slightest sexual comment or compliment. It's terrible. We just work out, throw up, and go home.[/quote] Love it

What is up with Utah?! - Swingers in Utah and nowhere else? - oh my blondone.... i know where i'd love to be located;)

Verified Real VS Not - How trusting are you in non-verified accounts? - [quote=EVILDOERS] Look for the union label when you are buying that coat, dress or blouse. Remember somewhere our union's sewing, our wages going to feed the kids, and run the house. We work hard, but who's complaining? Thanks to the I.L.G. we're paying our way! So always look for the union label, it says we're able to make it in the U.S.A.! Join Swingers Union Local 6969 today![/quote] Do we have to Verified to join?

Great Article About Swinging! - Great Article About Swinging! - [url=http://www.5280.com/magazine/2010/11/sin-city?page=0,1] Swingers Article...[/url]

Best Swingers club in Cincinnati area? - Swingers clubs - Hi everyone,, want to thank you for the kind words about SinDay, we do try hard to make your night out a great experience, full of fun, and excitement. if I may chime in about Princeton, and 440 also 101. All of you have many choices here in Ohio, there are many clubs to choose from, also in KY and INDY. Sure we at Club SinDay would love for you to always come to our club, but lets be real, no one wants to go to the same place over and over. and its nice to just get away for a change. So we encourage our members to go try other clubs, both for a change, but also, maybe you will come back and tell us what you like about another club, as to help us, improve on our own club. Those of you who have gone to Princeton know its a very big club, and a very nice club. When we designed SinDay we were trying hard to compete with them on the bar area and the dance area, there was no way we could compete with them on size. There is a reason Princeton is number one in Ohio, it is its size. and it is a nice club. I not afraid to say this, they worked hard to be a nice club, as we are working hard to become just as nice. As for 440 and 101, I havent been to either club in years, but have heard they have made a few changes, so you may want to go check them out also. All of the clubs have something different to offer, one may have a house party feel, another may feel more open like a banquet hall, and others may feel like a dance club. it really depends on what you the members are looking for. And the only way you will find out what you like best is by going to these clubs. Please dont let other convince you that one club is better then another, their idea of a club may be way different then what you think a club should be. And you will have some people that are so into a club, that they will down other clubs they have never been to, just to help their home club. so please judge for yourselves, go out, enjoy all the clubs you can, and remember that the number one thing you want from a club, is your own opinion of a club. Ok, ill stop rambling now, thank you for your time, and I hope to see you all soon at SinDay, please come up and say hi. Dane (one of the club owners)

Symbol Question - -


Not a guru, just takin a guess. Amy could be correct in that it maybe referencing swingers. LOL. I was going for the literal approach.
-Don- Proud member of

Hall pass - - InvestigatingKink, it looks like we have been in the LS (lifestyle) about the same time, less than a year. Everyone has different needs and weaknesses in their marriage, and I certainly don't judge what other people do, at least not ethically. We were at a party just last night and talking to several couples who have been in the LS for a lot of years. We were discussing this very subject. They all had stories of people who started playing separately and most of those couples are now divorced. Their belief is that it is often very difficult on marriages and definitely not for the majority of swingers. Now all of you hall pass and open marriage people, don't get freaky on me. This is just speculation on my part and opinion of those I talk to. There are many I'm sure it works great for. I believe the LS can be seriously hard on your marriage if you are not in prime shape. We ourselves have had struggles just doing what we do (as I think everyone has had at some point) so to add more uncertainty to the situation would be tough. Also, to us (again, not judging) this is about a journey we are taking together. I like to watch her interact with people and be flirted with and she enjoys the same. If we were not together it feels as if we have moved on to something different. But we are probably rare. Our name alone, SameRoomOnly, should give you and idea of our ideals. I know this is going to sound crazy, but we aren't in the LS just to fuck a bunch of people. We truly enjoy the fun people, making friends and experiencing new things together. An analogy could be made to travel. We both love to travel. But if we started taking separate vacations all of the time, it wouldn't be as enjoyable. Hawaii is wonderful if I am there alone, but if she is with me, it makes the experience so much better. I want her to share in my experiences. Last thing is that we communicate together, almost always. It isn't that we are jealous of what a person says to either on of us, but we like to know what is being said, as a team. It keeps us honest and open and prevents us from having to recap any conversations. We trust each other completely, but we also realize that anyone can mess up and by putting yourself in a situation that could potentiate cheating or dishonesty doesn't seem wise to us. I'm sure some of you will want to interject and say "well, you two must not trust each other. We never worry about things like that. We love each other too much." Maybe so. But our opinion is that when you start to spend alone time with another person, talking freely about whatever the subject may be and are fucking that person, well...it seems dangerous. It's just like when I am at work. If a girl flirts with me or gets too close, I make sure to tell my wife and keep her updated and I also try to distance myself from that person. Not that I plan on cheating, but we are all human and have weaknesses. And by always being honest and open it helps to keep our marriage strong. So, maybe the truth is that we are just not secure enough in our relationship to do something like hall passes or an open marriage, or maybe the truth is that everyone who tries it will fail miserably and end up divorced. It probably is somewhere in the middle of that spectrum, as most things are. Few things are black or white. But we wouldn't entertain the idea of a consistent hall pass. Maybe once, or twice, just to experience it, but an ongoing thing, no way. Good luck with whatever you decide. Mr. SameRoomOnly

This one time at Swingers Camp - Discussion about N by N camp out - Oh what a fun and exciting camp out this year! It was so nice meeting up with friends i haven't see for some time and fun and exciting to make meet new folks and make new friends. Thanks to all those who made this weekend a great time, can't wait til next year. :)

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