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Male on male - Not sure if this is where this goes, but male on male tonight only. - [quote=MASSMN]I think part of the problem why guy's don't want to put it on the profile or try it is they may be afraid if their GUY friends would ever find out that might cause problems with their friends. Remember these site's can be accessed by anyone this is the same reason alot of swingers don't post a face photo. [/quote]
But you'd be astonished at how many people here on Swingular just don't understand why some of us choose to NOT have a "public" profile pic.
fantasy football league free trying to get only swingers in leag - free autodraft fantasy football league - trying to get an all swinger league. got 3 so far trying for 20. here is the info you will need to sign up go to nfl.com under fantasy set up a profile, if you dont have one. then look up the following
League ID #404175
Draft Type:Auto Aug 25, 2011 4:00am MDT
Custom Url:http://lifestylefantasy.league.fantasy.nfl.com
Butterfinger commercial - Was that a swinger add? - Absolutely thought it was a swingers ad.
Young swingers party - sold out, who still wants to party ? - [quote=CHEFFETTE]That would be a brilliant way to make a bunch of quick cash off the oldsters, promise they'd be surrounded by nubile youngsters, then shrug your shoulders when it's mostly a wrinkle-palooza of 60-something men who'd have to admit they lied their way in.[/quote]
I think you just described the business model of every swinger-club in Vegas. =)
Fly-fishing Swingers - New Swingular Group - ummmmmm... Garden Hackle girls! Luv em!
Kik group for UT swingers. - Contact me if your interested in joining a KIK group for Swingers - We're interested as well. KIK bk_1962
Swingers - a couples only lifestyle? - Are singles considered to be swingers? - T4REAL69 is right on target in giving the current meaning of the term "swinger". SWMTCPL you used two little words in your original post that opened this thread, "to us". Those two little words accommodate for a lot of variation in this lifestyle. When you say "to us" you are telling everyone how you fit in the big picture of what the swinger lifestyle is. If you read another persons profile or listen to what the have to say as to what their desires and interest are, you know what this lifestyle means to them. If we are open minded enough to understand this, and don't try to force our beliefs on others, who have view's that differ from ours, we are genuine swingers. The most basic rule in swinging is NO MEANS NO. If you are confronted by someone who does not suit your desires, be it because of their looks, gender or the activity, you can always say NO, and go your own way in this lifestyle.
Lifestyle RV Parks & Campgrounds - Does anyone know of RV parks and campgrounds for those in the lifestyle? - Lots of nudist resorts... but none that I know of that cater to swingers....
Swinger Friendly Businesses - Business or services friendly to swingers - Pictures will be coming soon. They have been a low priority but my wife and I will make it a higher priority
what the f#%@ was he thinking? - swingers still deserve respect - Seems that some guys mistake swinging sites like this for porn sites. Too many stag movies and not enough time in social situations with others to develop any manners. It really is in poor taste but on the other hand the poor taste is to be expected from time to time and isn't worth traveling to beat on someone...