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Swingers circle - Whats with them - I don
Poly-Swingers - Moving beyond FWB relationship - May I recommend a wonderful book? The Ethical Slut: A Practical Guide to Polyamory, Open Relationships & Other Adventures. Written by Dossie Easton and Janet W. Hardy. I found this book very positive, helpful and informative. A wonderful guide to that "evolution" you are referring to. Best of luck!
Game ON....which sign is Hornier...(is that a word?) - zodiac signs of swingers? - Uncle Pervy is a Gemini
Pervette is a Capricorn
YOLO Cruise April 26 2009 - swingers cruise - we won the cruise in October. Can't wait for it!
Holier than thou? - Holier than thou? - I'm curious as to why anyone here would think that just because people are on a swingers site they would be any different than the mix of people you will find walking around the mall.
Since the beginning of time/man/whatever you want to call it/believe people have segregated themselves into groups, cliques, and we've all been on one end or the other of these. It's just a fact of life folks, and being here on a swingers site isn't going to change that one bit. You'll find people you like, you'll find people you lust after, you'll find people that annoy the shit out of you, and you'll find people you'll dislike. Just as in your day-to-day contact with everyone else in this world.
I think when you just accept the fact that not everyone will be your cup of tea, nor you theirs, life is just a lot easier. So they won't email you back...doesn't that tell you all you need to know?
Also, maybe it's nice to remember that not everyone communicates in the same way. Maybe, just maybe, that couple that isn't emailing you not because they are snobbish but because they are shy, or they just don't communicate the same way you do.
Of course, maybe I'm just completely full of shit ;)
Cum One Cum All!!! - - i hope they make a bracelet for nazi swingers...red and black with a cute little swastika. comes with matching lil mustache and inherent hatred for anyone not aryan.
and just a couple pages back i read something about sending the "wets" back to where they came from? i guess when you are racist you dont notice when other people are being racist.
there is a guy who just started at my work. he is from Venezuela. doesnt speak a lot of english. i know enough spanish to direct him but it frustrates me. ive worked with people from vera cruz, mexico who refuse to learn english or speak it. ive worked with bosnians who dont speak very much english...tibetans..muslims arabs...israelis and palestinians...and a turkish guy who GREW UP HERE and still doesnt speak much english. i do agree that they should put some effort into learning the language of the country they are living in...just like if i went to their country i would be required to learn their language...they aint gonna change for me...although i do make an effort to learn a couple phrases in their language for fun. thats pretty much all that bugs me about immigrants in this country...the language barrier. gives you a reason to get to know them...maybe if you heard their stories you would understand why they are here. one of the bosnians i worked with was royalty in her country...maids..their equivalent of millions of dollars...but in the war, their houses were demolished or used for army personnel. so they came to our country and now work as maids and cooks in hospitals. in their country they dont work...the guys work, and the women cook and clean..so coming here is hell for them..but they are here..they have no choice. you want to send them back to their country? their bullet ridden houses and swimming pools full of corpses..? i couldnt live with myself sending someone back to that hell.
KUTV News Story on Swingers - News - What did we expect? "Couple celebrates 15 Happy Years of Swinging, story at 10."? Gotta pimp yourself for those ratings, especially when the younger generation wouldn't be caught dead turning on a television to get their news. I wouldn't call that a balanced report by ANY stretch of the imagination. Could she not, in her lurking around this site, have found ONE couple to go on camera anonymously or otherwise to say that contrary to what this woman is saying, swinging has been great fun and enhanced their life as well as their marriage and helped them to communicate on a whole new level? That they know MANY couples who feel the same way and are happy, well adjusted people who work and raise their kids and contribute to their communities? Reasonable and balanced my hairy ass!
Moab lifestyle - looking for what lies under the covers in Moab - Sadly Evildoers is right, at least in our experience. Sure, plenty of swingers travel to Moab, but if there is a notable population of local swingers interested in meeting outsiders, they keep themselves incredibly well-hidden. In fact, you'd be very hard-pressed to even find a single-male to join you, and that's even if you completely toss out any expectations and standards. The reality is that the bulk of Utah's population is on the sexually conservative end of the spectrum.
trying to pick a place to honeymoon - - The guy and I are making plans for a wedding and honeymoon, hopefully later this year. I say Florida, and he says Utah, cause it seems like all the swingers live in Utah. Any suggestions?
Saturday up North - who's out for fun in the ogden area tonight? - Dear smedine beep in the swingular system maybe... but I still am in clearfield utah, and still have the nasty!!!!! store and giving 50% off to swingular swingers today on all items.. and maybe free if things go well smiles if you know what I mean lol. so come see me and say hi so remember are friend at swingular 50% off thats one hell of a deal on adult toys...!!!!!! thanks luv all walt 801-525-1583 store phone....;)