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Moab Utah - Swingers in Moab - [quote=Utahldscouple]We are game for booking a LS group trip![/quote]
We'd be interested in a trip to Moab.
Another Swingers Show on TV - - It's nice to have an empty nest. We're planning on DVRing it.
Where to go, what to do. - Non club activities - Hoe about a swingers bowling league ?
swinger clubs vegas - traveling to vegas swinger club - Red Rooster on the east side of town is a swingers club. Its pretty good but cround was much older than us, say 45 to 60 range but still good place.
Fly-fishing Swingers - New Swingular Group - I like to Flyfish. Been doing it for many years.
Hot Wife Anklets - Who knows what they are and notices them? - I think they're mostly an urban legend, at least as far as the myth of a woman who wears an anklet being into that particular sexual act. Yes, women in the "hotwife" lifestyle sometimes wear them. But so do other women of all ages and persuasions.
Personally, I wouldn't make any assumptions about a woman's sexual proclivities based on a particular piece of jewelry that she is or isn't wearing. I even had a neighbor once who I noticed wearing an anklet that actually SAID "Hotwife" on it. I guarantee that the only connotation it had for her was that she was a wife and her husband thought she was hot.
But if you enjoy wearing them, knock yourself out. Just don't assume all, or even many, of the people you encounter (outside of a swingers party) will know the implication. And fwiw I've seen more than one tween wearing them at the mall. So there's that....
Xmas carols for swingers. - - Rudoulph the Big Cock Reindeer....Had the biggest cock ever known....and if you ever it saw it would very surely grow!!!
Is this one of your rules? What is it? is it fear? or something - Does everyone feel this way? - KYM-N-TIM,
You are very bold to think you alone define swinging and what the site is. This site is a place for swingers to meet on whatever level they choose. Finding people to have sex with is one of the goals, yes. Though sex will no always happen in all meetings. One of the benefits of a meeting that doesn't "click" sexually, is friendship. So, never think you can define swinging for everyone. It's different for all of us. Libertines are free of the confines of moralism, dogma or ethics. There is no definition to this. To define it, is to cheapen it. Sex does not have to result from you encounters with people. It is a benefit of a chance meeting with a couple you and your partner (if that applies), have a sexual attraction to. You and I both know that that is not always the case. We find that making friends first, gives us our desired result.
Tooele swingers party - - So after discussing it for a bit with my wife weve decided wed like to try and host a swingers party here in tooele. Now ideally wed like to primarily focus on playing with other tooele couples. This invite also extends to those outside this area so long as they can make the drive. So for those interested or want details and what have you. Feel to join the tooelecouplesfun in the kik pubic groups or speak to us directly dm devilfox187 and we can talk. As a warning couples are preferred and will come first followed by single females and then single males. Im sure we will have a few of each but as this will be at our home we will cut it off at a point. Apologies on that and hope to hear from some fun swingers in and surrounding tooele, lets have fun ;-)
Friend collectors or swingers - - We’ve found lots of different personalities and histories with the Las scene here in Utah. Some couples love the titillation and thrill of window shopping, while others couples may be a little unbalanced (with one partner way more into it than the other). But we have made some great friends and had some once in a lifetime experiences, which make this journey exciting and so worth it!