
Saxon Swingers in Wisconsin

Saxon Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Saxon, WI, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Saxon looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Saxon, WI. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Saxon, Wisconsin Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Saxon, Wisconsin so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Saxon Swingers right away!

KUTV News Story on Swingers - News - Yep! We have seen couples dicorce. If you are not 100% in love and sole mates that can date togather then maybe you better check out Ashley Madison or contact your ward bishop! I love my Bob and enjoy our friends and every experience we enjoy or laugh about togather. We like what we like and if you don't like us!!!! Well you are probably needing a little therapy! Lol

Secret Swingers Club Ogden, UT - Clubs - Speaking of lifestyle groups on Facebook, and as I really don't search well can anyone provide suggestions? or send me an invite. I would definitely be interested in looking for a LS friendly bar.

Ever Been Roofied At A LS Party?? - - I'm posting this question on a swinger site because it was at a SWINGER party with other SWINGERS. Thankyouverymuch, Rick and Jess. So here's how it went down: We (me and husband) went to dinner with another LS couple we're very good friends with and have known a long time. While waiting at the restaurant, she and I went to the bar and got 1 glsss of wine. We watched the bartender open and pour the wine (although 1 of us had the bottom of 1 bottle before the next was opened to finish both glasses). We finished our wine while all four of us shared the same sushi. The guys didn't get sick. So we do not believe it was the sushi. We ate at 7:30 After dinner, the four of us went back to our hotel to change for the Casino Royale LS party. She and I had different drinks, but we both used the glasses in the hotel room. Our husbands used the plastic cups. She had 1 shot. I had 1 very small glass of champagne as the glass was barely bigger than a shot glass. Possibly contaminated glasses? By 10 we were at the party. I played poker, and had 1 1/2 drinks while I played for 1 1/2 hours. One was brought by my husband, the last drink was brought to me by another good friend who I've known about 2 years. My girlfriend had 1 drink made right in front of her by the bartender and that's it. Within 1/2 hour of arriving, my girlfriend was in the bathroom puking her guts out for about an hour. She almost had to be carried out. Went home and fell asleep on the floor w/o being able to move at all. She had had only 2 drinks the whole night, WITH dinner. She says she wasn't drunk at all when the sickness hit. About 45 minutes after that, I suddenly felt very ill and had to rush to the bathroom, where I evidently puked for quite a while. I recall bits and pieces of that part, but most of my memory from that portion of the night is gone. That part is suspicious to me. I recall about 10 seconds of my husband helping me out to the car, I recall 2 seconds of puking again at the hotel, and that's it. I don't remember him getting me ready for bed or anything else until morning. I awoke at 5am thinking I was having a heart attack and went to the ER. So....yes, lots and lots of puking. NO diarrhea. Some memory loss. We both doubt alcohol poisoning as neither of us were drunk when the puking hit. We both felt woozy and weak for about 2 1/2 days. It was Tuesday before I really ate again (her too.). I can't figure out WHY someone would roofie me or her as we were with our spouses. But the fact that we got so violently ill so fast, and the fact that both of us lost our memory for a couple of hours before falling asleep does make us suspicious. The symptoms are just unclear enough that it could be food poisoning, or it could be a drug. The three drugs I looked up as date rape type drugs have differing symptoms. But I can't imagine anyone giving a woman something that made her violently ill and hoping to benefit from it. That's why I thought I'd see if anyone else in the lifesyle had heard of this or had it happen. Thanks!

Girls that are into DP - How common is this activity among the swingers? - tried dp and dvp both very explosive if done correctly we dont do it all the time but when we do its a treat for sure !!! ;-)

Here's something Ive been curious about - - Similar curiosity. If couples on here are only looking to add a third (female) and have no intentions of ever playing with males half. Are they really swingers? And, should they be on a swinging website? I personally don't think it's fair!

What Percentage Swinger Are You? - Maybe this is interesting - 110% Baby!!!!!! LOL OK, this just in....Pennsylvania sucks ass....Utah ROCKS..... ....screw this shit.....WE'RE MOVING!!!!! ...to where all the kewl SWINGERS are. ;)

Help us out.. Take this Survey - For Utah Swingers - Done

BD/SM- Why are there no groups? - - I'm fairly certain there are at least a couple of BDSM groups here. Have you tried searching in groups? Not sure why you think those interested in this type of play would necessarily want to keep it private. These days (especially with the whole "Fifty Shades" phenomena) it's practically main stream. But yes there are outside groups...many call it the "Kink Community" who pretty much do this type of play exclusively and aren't necessarily swingers. In all actuality swinging is becoming fairly watered down these days with all the different groups (I'm thinking of polys as well as many other fetishes and play styles) wanting to be included under the big umbrella of swinging. It's a wonder anyone really ends up hooking up these days. LOL

Best Swingers Club in Houston? - Going there in Sept - No comment

weight approperate - - Ya know, these threads come up all the time, looks, age, weight, etc etc etc, and the same things get said, and quite frankly, it sounds like sour grapes alot of the time. So a couple or half of a couple does not find you attractive for whatever reason, and if they are very attractive, and maybe you are too _____ (old, fat, short, grey, wrinkly, ugly, have a third arm growing out of your forehead whatever, fill in the blank) then they get labled as shallow........... Why is it that guys who have BBW fetishes aren't labled as shallow? Aren't they just looking for a particular type and and exclude those who do not fit that type? What is the difference? And why is it, that other guys like to assume that it is the confidence of the in shape good looking male that is making it so the woman won't have sex with the old fat guys(can't handle watching his wife etc etc etc you all have heard the statements)? Are they trying to make themselves feel better about some rejection? Guess what, everybody gets shot down from time to time, even the hotties....this is all about attraction, physical mostly, cause we (collectivley as swingers) have already found somebody we connect with emotionally and mentally (we married them!) and we are looking for some good dirty fun. we are not looking to get married to everyone we meet!! Swingular does not have the 12 points of long term relationship compatibility testing...they have pictures, height, weight, age, etc.....hmmm wonder why that is?

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