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Swingers - a couples only lifestyle? - Are singles considered to be swingers? - This a NON BASHING post everyone - let's keep things civil.
The vent! - Judgements, I'm so tired of them. - In the recent years I have changed, morphed even, into the person I am today. A swinger. Eccentric, confidant, secure, uninhibited, with a puissant sexuality. What I consider "out of the box!" Open, understanding, diverse.
Only within the last year have we dared to call ourselves "swingers" we decided together to change our lifestyle, to change our rules, to change our minds about how we regard each other as individuals.
What I have noticed as I have taken this quest into being a swinger, is how the people in and around my life are noticing this change, and reacting with judgements. They live by different rules than I do, they choose to, and yet they still judge.
Are these people just unhappy with themselves? Are they jealous? Why are they concerned?
I have failed to understand this. Why do they spew hate at me?(I call it emotional vomit) Shouldn't they be happy for me?
If these people are already having averse feelings about me and/or my behavior, how will they react to find out we are swingers?
I now know why some of swingers only associate with other swingers. To bad for us there are few to be found down here in the south.
"If you judge people, you have no time to love them."-Mother Theresa
Thanks for letting me vent, here's to living out of the box.
Couples and Single Males party - - It would be great fun, and a chance to get to know more swingers, broaden all our horizons ( maybe I just have broads on my horizon, stupid thinking).
Shit Swingers Say - Hilarious Video.. - One of my all-time favorites.. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5v-6_6qat4&list=PL1JZ_IMsHzmym9pC-JbiN35ErrRCdq2aX&index=2]Shit Swingers Say[/url] (YouTube)
Wife's bday on 5th, suggestions? - What do you think or want to do - Not sure if this is something you would want to do, but this is what I did for my wife (ex-wife now) back in Calif. in the late 80's for our first year anniversary. I had it all planned out, keeping in mind that we had been swingers for a few years and had made a few friends...though we didn't get together with them as much as we/I wanted. Anyway, we lived about a 2 hour drive to Reno NV.. I had told my wife I wanted to take her to Reno for our 1 year anniversary and she was excited to go. Other stories of our playtimes in Reno will not be told at this time..lol. I had, behind her back talked to members of this group we were in...AFF group....and when all was said and done, 3 single guys and 2 couples(not counting us) ended up there. It was an incredible night to say the least...and obviously you would be substituting Wendover for Reno...lol.
Question... - - Let me get this straight.... Wifey saw her hubby kiss you and said nothing?
Wifey saw her hubby grope your posterior and said nothing?
Then you touched hubby and she went ballistic?
If those are the facts... you are safe and she's a schitzo.
You did absolutely nothing wrong and THEY don't belong
in the swingers scene.
Favorite bars in utah - - [quote=EVILDOERS]Sweet! But be careful!
[url=http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/las-vegas-doc-hosted-drug-fueled-swingers-sex-parties-cops-article-1.2151475]Swinger Doctor Arrested for hosting drug fueled sex parties[/url][/quote]
If you're hosting a party and a couple "portray(s) ourselves that we didn
Any Swingers out there? Golf swingers that is... - - [quote=WEWANTU4DREAM]good call Squeakums. Ready to try out the new Nike driver I won this month. The wife is horrible at this game so some bets could easily won with her. She gives some awesome BJ's by the way.[/quote]
Well head on up then, we can play a round... (get it...I kill myself...)
What's the universal swinger signal? - How can you spot a swinger?? - I always tell people I like girl juice and sausage for breakfast...
real swingers know what I mean :)
swingin - thought this site was a swingers site - now who is cring????
computer rambo