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Swingers cars??? - What ya driving?? - If I ever hit a huge Lotto I would for sure get a BUGATTI VEYRON ~ now that is bad ass and yours for a coooooooool Ooooooooooneeeeeee Miiiiiiilllllllliiiiooooooon Dollar$$$$$$$$
Not getting much action on here - - Lol. Think of what you can do for the swingers site not what the swinger site can do for you. Lol
On a more serious note... I think if we spend just a little more time looking at our profiles from second/third party view/angle we will see part of the problem. Hey you know what? 90% of the problem is the profile 5% is the first contacts and 5% you choose..
Swingular gave us a platform to connect.. I am not sure there is a payment plan that includes 1)what to say 2) where to meet 3) how to take it to the next level 4) how to improve skills in bed.. etc.
I didn’t think this site will be the UBER- for swingers (giving members RIDERS) until uber for swingers is created get your appreciation mode activated. Lmao cya.
fantasy football league free trying to get only swingers in leag - free autodraft fantasy football league - Sure Spedex pick all the players from the Cincinnati Bengals and Buffalo Bills and you will be unstoppable rflmao
Lifestyle in news - - Can you believe one guy in the article compared swingers to pedophiles?!
Willing To Earn It??? - We're willing to play...but... - You need to stick to what you believe in & what works for you. There are lots of different types of swingers out there. Some like to dive into a dark room with a bunch of naked bodies that they can't even see & go to town. Others just about want to know your whole life story & be reassured 9 different ways to Sunday before the clothes start to come off. Most are somewhere in between. The right ones for you are out there somewhere. You just need to find them. Look on the bright side. You know what you are looking for. That's a good start.
Swingers gone bad?? - - We agree these people are not swingers and should not be even close to the class of swingers.
C- A - Any swingers clubs around Salt lake? - I love purple!
All About Utah - Discussion on why swingular has such a large Utah presence - I found out about this site word of mouth, so really, anywhere you put swingers in a room talking they are gonna do some word of mouth advertising, I have even done my own since joining. If I knew any other real swingers I would tell them too!
Polyamory - Any thoughts on an exclusive 3 or more partner relationship? - This is like kissing to me.... Don't love anyone you have sex with except your SO... Well I am in a poly relationship with a married woman. Her husband is not poly and my wife is not poly. The 4 of us are good friends and both my wife and her husband know that the relationship is not platonic, far from it. They do not swing but we met at a swingers social. They were looking into the lifestyle but did not decide to go that way... We started talking on the internet.. they live a little less than 30 miles away. She and I had discovered that we loved each other from the several meetings and talking and I stopped by one afternoon, sat down and told her husband how I felt and she told him also. Understand we both understand that it is a secondary relationship and neither of us wants to leave our respective mates... We have discussed what ifs like; What if something happens to one of our mates? What if one of our mates starts to have problems with our relationship? We try to discreetly meet when we are each free and our mates are not around... This to alleviate any stress to our primary relationships... We do get together and eat and watch TV, play games, dance...Everything is open above board and consensual.
Many people who are coming into the lifestyle, over the age of 40 and empty nesters have things in their profiles like; "looking for one or two couples for fun both in and out of the bedroom. Would like to find a couple or two to play with on a regular basis..." The implication is that they want a relationship that is closed...i.e., safe, secure and on a regular basis... To me that looks suspiciously like poly relationships. B and I need to find a place in MT but it's much much too unpopulated there, too cold and could get lonely....besides B likes her job/s.. Wears so many hats it isn't funny. All in all we do get to get out and go to parties/socials almost every weekend, if we want. Something to be said for populated areas even if super people live so far away...
swingin - thought this site was a swingers site - now one more time to virgin isn't the definition of ironic and i quote no one:what women in the old days did to get the wrinkles out of your ic