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Android swingers apps? - - I agree to bad swingular cant just steal an app :p that would be wrong lol
But if we all hit one app and recomend it maybe swingular can work out a deal with app makers
Though i doubt it will happen this site costs a bit to run im sure and most of us bought the lifetime membership on sale.
so admins really are probably at a point that there running this out of pocket now lol
ok the whos fuckin app got changed cause of the name lol google booted it off they renamed
It is now Who'sF*ckin'
New Swingers Club in Utah - Gauging interest in new club - [quote=Wildcatz]So I couldn't resist doing some research on the legal side....as we know Utah is a legal mess when it come to sexual issues. But, I did find how a swingers club in Tennessee got around the entire issue....ready for this? They became a church!
Religion in Utah has some serious protections and freedoms. Might be the way around the problem..[/quote]
That is a good idea!
I wonder about the membership idea, don't have a cost to attended but people must buy memberships.
I have seen a lot of unique ideas in the tech area. One being membership tokens. These tokens have value and are traded but they can be used for access and services, if the club had no cost but only membership tokens, it may work around the law.
Here is how a strip club in Vegas is using them. https://legendsroomlv.com/
Would something like that fly here?
Appropriate Parameters of Sexual Conduct in Modern Society - Should sex still have a unique status or just be another hobby? - Beard, You did open something up but I'm not sure what.
I had to copy and paste your original here so I didn't miss or get too confused..
One of your last points first: Moral refers to standards as defined by the church, the government or your neighbors(in light of the Supreme Court decission a few years ago about porn) Ethics, on the other hand are something that we define for ourselves based on our upbringing/environment and values that we have defined based on whatever we base them on.
You are right that marriage is a concept designed by religion and the government for the care of offspring and the clear definition of linage for property rights. You use the term marriage, which is a legal term like it is a moral imperative then ask if it should be based on some one or group of common interrests. Then the next breath you suggest that marriage is supposed to be more than any of that and something to do with sharing and intimacy. Finally you go back to somehow trying to make a point, (I'm not sure what that point was) that maybe there should be a conglomerate of reasons for marriage then with the nesxt breath you ask if sex should be forbidden..
Now lets see if this makes any sense to anyone. I'm poly and We swing. I have a lover who is married and her husband knows or us(he is not poly) and B knows of us and we are all good friends. We are, my lover and I, intimate both emotionally and sexually and both non poly mates knowof this. B and I are very much soulmates but then my lover is also very close to that as well. I do not wish to take her away from her husband and I do not wish to replace B. She does not want to replace her husband with me and we are alll OK with that arrangement.
In my heart of heart I am married to both in a very intimate way although I do not wish to procreate with anyone anymore. She feels the same way toward me. I would submit that marriage is an intimate, emotional and sometimes physical union of people.. I did not say two people I said people. We have been taught sex as a negative thing and relationships with more than one as a negative thing because we cannot love more than one person or more than one at any one time... I submit that we can love more than one and that the more we love the more we get back from that...
Swinging is started off as fun between close friends and sometimes the term wife swapping became a reality.... Sex is fun adn swinging is about sex and today alot of times about relationships. Relationships in my opinion are for the benefit of everyone involved... .
So I'm not sure if I understood where you were going but this is my take on the propositions as I understood them.
Depending on any person's opinion or preferences sex and love can be the same or they can be separate or they can be coincidental but it's basically up to that person or couple to make that determination....
We, in the lifestyle, may ultimately be right and marriage may change to a more contractual thing rather than some sacrosanct BS that it has become.... Swingers as a group have more than 3.4 time greater chance of remaining married than that of non swingers. The range of failed marriages is between 66 and 77% in all first and second marriages and some 70% of all married people cheat on their mates. Swinger have a better than 85% chance of marriage survival. Cheating is not exempt in Swinging but I think is is greatly reduced...
I think as swingers we have sex with friends and it can be just that or it can be more... at least for me..
Question - do you talk about other swingers? - We generally don't talk about others using names, but in the crowd we've been with lately, we are all aware of the history and experiences of each other. We know many of the same people and have many mutual experiences.
We do avoid gossiping and/or 'name dropping' with people that we don't know as well.
Policing Ourselves - Can it be done? - Recently a suggestion was made that we as a group need to educate and police ourselves as a group in this our chosen lifestyle (thats swinging for all us simple folk) .
In order to do this effectively wouldnt there have to be some set of rules that everyone would be expected to adhere to? What would those rules be? how would they be created and ratified? would swingers from their respective states send represntatives to a central location to vote on these rules(oops now we get into politics) ? If you were teaching a new person (regarless of marital status or gender) the rules about swinging what would you teach them first?
I really would love to hear as much as possible from you guys.
Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - Bunny, just a couple of thoughts on this.
First: When he picks a screen name that defines him as an object ( his dick) and not as a human, he has degraded himself in the eyes of many, especially those who seek to meet new
people and make friends. It says that he in only interested in one thing, and that pigeonholes him from the beginning.
Second: There are literally thousands of sites for singles only, obviously meaning that couples
aren't allowed. Singles can be seen by some to be interlopers, predators, or worse.
Third: Loathing or distain might be more accurate to describe the situation. Jumping on the use of hate sounds like self vicitimization. If he is so proud of what he is or has, don't play victim if someone doesn't automatically feel stimulated by him.
Are you a Swinger or Liver? - - Would "Ethical Non Monogamy" sound better to you. What we are talking about here is leaving the external societal rules behind and doing what we feel good with, sometimes that means we set our own rules. I'm sure that you have your own rules too, of one sort or anther. The Reason we Swingers have rules is that we enter this lifestyle with our own needs and wants and the needs and wants of our mates. We need to balance both while rejecting the conventional norm. Our sex life is like something out of an erotic novel that most people can't imagine is real, but we love it, rules and all.
Game ON....which sign is Hornier...(is that a word?) - zodiac signs of swingers? - Im a horny old goat with my penis rising...
Other Swinger sites in Utah - Anyone tell us of other sites? - [quote=mathlenoire]if someone were to make a new swingers site for Utah, what functionalities would you want in it ? [/quote]
require some type of pic of both the male and the female.........
Joe - Swingers parties - Nope