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Blind friend requests: Do you some times accept to look at pics t - - [quote=Coupleoflove]We are one of those couples who send blind requests. Honestly we rarely send a message with a request because as funny as it sounds we usually send blind requests because of liking what we see in pictures and it would feel shallow of us to admit it. We have been reluctant to post pictures of ourselves. Not because we aren’t attractive or desirable. But we are both professionals with children and prefer to keep things as private as possible. We definitely understand why people don’t accept blind requests but being so inexperienced with this site the blind friend request seems to be a place that a lot of “shy” or discrete people start their adventure.[/quote]
Do you understand how that comes across to others? Almost all swingers want discretion. But looking at picts and sending fr to see more pictures without sharing any of your own is insanely rude. How is your discretion more important than someone else’s?
What do you think we all do? See each other in the grocery store and scream “Hey it’s my swinger friends”? Sorry but this takes a certain level of maturity and being adventurous.
Where to start? - So many options, so little time! - Sorry but people’s advice here is waaay to complicated. And honestly not really specific for these times.
Make a promise to each other that no matter what happens you will be honest with each other. This is the key! And you will be respectful and honest with whom you meet.
Then find a meet and greet style of party, show up, meet people and ASK QUESTIONS! Swingers love to help newbs. Use the car ride there and home to have honest discussions of the wants and why and then after you meet people positives and whom you might wanna ask out for a date.
If you start right now trying to find blind dates on sites like this you may get so frustrated you will quit before you start. It’s a disaster. Most things are moving to fb because people are tired of this online fake profile/cheater mess.
YOLO Cruise April 26 2009 - swingers cruise - We just came back from the pscruise09, and didn't expect to be cruising again so soon, but we couldn't pass this up. We were tired of wearing wristbands!
Looking forward to meeting you all,
Lisa and Rich
Looking to establish a group of safe swingers - - It sounds like a great idea, we too are also looking for people that we can trust and let it all go. Count us in.!
Wendover questions - - Anyone know how to find a place for happy ending massages?
Any couples going in the end of march?
Are there any swingers clubs?
What is there to do?
Adulter or Swinger? - - I'll probably catch a lot of flack for what I'm about to say but here goes. SWINGING is or was started by servicemen in the late 50 and early 60's . Two MARRIED couples would SWAP wives for the night. Generally, the odd couples would repair to different rooms and play. The only thing sharred about it was that they had swapped... Then it progressed to parties and shoe parties or key parties and couples would go with the person whos shoe or keys they would get from the pile. Over the years single women were welcomed into the swinger ranks since swinging/swapping had evolved to simply recreational sex.... They were welcomed because women were looking for bi sexual experiences and men like the idea of 2 on one and watching women together. Enter the single men.... When I was younger we called young single men and women getting together dating... Now we have singles "dating" swingers????
Enter the married guy who isnot happy with what he has at home and thinks swinging is a legal/moral way to get strange.... Bottom line one needs to be married or in a committed relationship to cheat. Cheating is where one of the couple goes out and plays with someone other than their partner....
So for a married woman, not in a "relationship" to have sex with anyone, another single, randomly is not cheating but in a very broad sense, is in fact swinging. I would also say that one could also say that that person is dating.... regardless of the sexual connotations.
One thing to note here is that swinging has evolved to something more than recreational sex. It now has the connotation of friends or friendship involved. In fact, there are actually people who wish to have closed sexual relations with one or more couples. Exclusive in nature where each couple involved only has sex with their partner and with ONLY people who have agreed that they willl do the same...
So cheating is the only cut and dried issue... Non consensual sex with other than ones own partner of a committed relationship. The rest is either dating or swinging/swapping...
I'm sure we all knew this but it needs to be reiterated from time to time...
Swingers Rock Club - Live music, Dancing, and Sexy Friends - This weekend baby. See you at the party!
This is F**ked Up! - You might want to Lock up your Self Made Swinger Sex Tapes after this! - [url=http://www.slate.com/id/2269153?wpisrc=obinsite]Swinger Artricle[/url]
Bob & Carol & Ted & Malice
My parents' swinger friends are trying to blackmail our family after Mom and Dad's tragic deaths.
When my brother and I were children, our parents were friends with another married couple, "Bob" and "Helen." Bob and Helen were frequent guests, and the two couples often traveled together. In my early teens, my family moved across the country, and Bob and Helen disappeared from our lives. Years passed. Last month, my parents were killed in a car accident. At the funeral, I was approached by an older couple who identified themselves as Bob and Helen. They asked if my brother and I would have dinner with them before they left. At the end of the meal, Helen revealed that she and Bob were swingers, and my parents had been their partners! She went on to say they'd had a falling out, and my parents had moved us across the country and cut off contact. She said they felt very parental toward us and wanted to be involved in our lives. My brother and I babbled something and fled. They contacted me a few days later, and I politely told them neither one of us wants further contact. Bob got very hateful and said that my parents had filmed several "sessions" of the four of them, and if my brother and I didn't turn over the footage, we'd regret it. Bob has since been hounding my brother and me by phone and mail, threatening to let anyone who will listen know of our parents' history with them unless we comply. Is this a matter for the police, or would they laugh us out the door? The prospect of cleaning out my parents' home has gotten even bleaker, as I fear what every old VHS tape may hold. Then there's the larger issue, which is trying to fathom how my parents lived this life for so many years. Help, please!
Kauai Hawaii for Thanksgiving - Nov 19-27 - We will be staying at Poipu Beach on the south shore of Kauai from the Sat before until the Sat after Thanksgiving. Are there any Swingers clubs or hangouts on Kauai? Nude beaches at least where we can have some late night fun? Thanks.
Speed swinging? Just a thought. - kinda like speed dating but speed swinging - I actually think it is a great idea. I am not sure any play would immediately come out of it, but it would certainly be a quick way to decide which couples you would want to contact further. Especially given busy lives, it may be just the think busy swingers need!