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TOUGH MUDDER - We're putting together a team for a Tough Mudder - :( there has to be some athletic swingers out there. There just HAS to be. LOL
We're going to SEMA! - Gonna be in Las Vegas for the weekend. Sexy swingers?? - The pregnant wife and I are going to be in Vegas from tomorrow evening through saturday morning. It's going to be awesome to go to the SEMA show. We'd love to meet up with some super SEXY swingers while we're there, or maybe a nice sleepover on the way home saturday night?
Maybe meet at the couples oasis? What other plans could we make?
Stay sexy swingers!
Then there's this. - Enjoy! - [quote=Sm435]There is no argument nor debate. Sorry for you mask protagonists, but you lost. There are mandates all over the country and we still keep pumping out huge numbers of new cases every single day.
The only thing this mask mandate ever did was enable people to feel empowered and place blame in others. We are all fighting the same virus, all of us, but people who buy in and think they are better or smarter than others take this as a way to point fingers.
You posted a news story that labeled every swinger at that a party as a SPREADER and the party it’s self as a SUPERSPREADER event. This is 100% backed up by facts that includes testing everyone at the party for covid, finding some with advanced cases that cause almost everyone else to leave that party with covid right? Or in reality they busted a swingers party and have no real fact that covid was involved in any way. This is called non-factual news.
Reposting non factual news, and labeling people who decide to go out and live as “spreaders” is the same VERY POOR TASTE as labeling all the homeless people in Pioneer Park as HIV STD needle junkies. You have facts to back that up to right? Or again, you’re throwing labels on people you feel are less than you and don’t fit nor follow your views. I’m sorry but those people living in the park are people too.
We love swinging because we love people. New faces, old faces, all of them. We have dear friends in the lifestyle we do NOT share the same views on politics nor covid. But when you sit down and hang out you find that we are all so similar. We wanna live happily, feel safe, and have a little fun when we can.
What the world needs right now is love and compassion, not finger pointing and blame. How about we all make a deal on this forum to only post when we have something positive to say about someone else, or something fun and exciting we want to try or do. When we have an urge to repost or comment on something negative we put the phone down, take a deep breath, and put that energy towards something positive like pleasing our spouse or sending a lifestyle friend a compliment and let all the negative shit get buried under the positive![/quote]
I love it when somebody says what I'm thinking!
Why swingers are happier. - - Evildoers; I know it is for fun but I shake my head and chuckle. I now know what you do for a living. You must work as a spin doctor for a political organization. Because no other intelligent individual could take that much info about the general public and make it apply to everyone in this lifestyle.[em]Emo_17[/em]
Club Elite Tampa FL - - Friday, Sat. and Sunday's are the rockin nights. The big parties are way beyond "a good time". We have been there when it was wall to wall swingers and the place is big. Great dance floor, food, dj, bar tenders, very clean and the best group of swingers around. We have been members there for about a year and a half now and NEVER have a bad time... Just tell them "FATHER STEVE" sent ya... Hahaha.... It was a Halloween gag...
Secret Swingers Club Ogden, UT - Clubs - [quote=Ogden4fun]It must be hit or miss. We have only gone once but it was dead. No one really talked to anyone other than those they came with. We had high hopes.[/quote]
Oh darn... maybe do a little meet n greet there in the future 🤔
C- A - Any swingers clubs around Salt lake? - We should start to all go to redemption in Herriman on like Friday nights -
All Singers should wear “PURPLE” and show up after 10:00 pm - We’ll all know who is in the Lifestyle !!!
seniors - why is it so difficult to find senior swingers or single ladies? - all i can say is WOW
Go turn on Oprah - re:swingers - Well you can show us anyyyyyytime.
Swingers of Color - - Ever wonder why their are so few BLACkS, HISPAINICS, or ASIANS in the swinging life style?