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tired of the run around - - If your putting up a booty call then you can expect this !!! New people are scared it all sounds good talking about swinging but then when its going to happen that's when you see the drama or excuses at the last minute !!!! 90% of the people on this web site are not swingers it just sounds good and makes their own sex life better when they talk about it . And pregnant women are very sexy but you should of put that you were looking for a soft swap couple or a single female cause really you were just looking for some ones wife to please you and what fun is that for the man ?? I say get out to the house parties meet real people , relax a little we are not here to steal your spouses we are here for sex and friendships . Happy Humping
YOLO Cruise April 26 2009 - swingers cruise - Can't wait to join you Liz & Ron .. we have already met quite a few cruisemates already (online) ... we plan on needing a vaction when we get back!! see ya at the Green Iguana Saturday night before the cruise????
Mark & Kathy .. room 6131
STD/STI Testing - - Actually it was closer to 1981 When HIV became aware to the medical community in the US if that is what you meant by that 1989 date. http://www.avert.org/aids-history-america.htm
HIV and HSV are the two nasties that should be of most concern for most swingers as they are incurable and HIV can be deadly. Both are costly in terms of lifelong medications but also in quality of life. They will be with you FOREVER!
HSV can pass by something as simple as a kiss and or oral.
Do clean test results mean something? YEs and No! Mathematically speaking the risk is related to a pyramid factorial equation. Meaning, for each new partner you have that is untested you are basically adding in the risk of not just that one person (Primary) but all the persons they have been with (secondary) and all the partners that those secondary people have been with etc etc.. HIV has been know to take up to 6 months of lag time from exposure to when it shows up on a test but 90 days is normally considered the standard waiting period. So any primary partner you play with who has been with someone in the past 90 days before they were tested still could have given HIV to you.
Granted HIV is rare. But HSV is not!
HSV cant take 2-3 weeks to show up on test results.
70-80% of the population will test pos for HSV as there are many folks who have the mouth cold sore HSV 1. To keep it simple sometimes in the testing HSV 1 really shows up as HSV2.. SO sometimes this means if you do test positive for HSV 2 it is really only HSV1. This is one reason Planned Parenthood will try to talk you out of this 160$ test
One more thing to add. Most people still think as long as they dont have an open HSV 2 genital herpes outbreak they are good to go. This has been found to not be true. There is a relatively new phenomenon recognized in the scientific community called Viral shedding.
Another worry that is rare but possible and I know of a recent case where a person gave someone Oral herpes HSV1 to the genital area of another person.
There is also Chlamydia that everyone almost laughs off because a single dose of meds will cure it! The sad thing is if you got CHLAM you could have got HSV or HIV also as they run together. TO explain this if your had a partner that gave you Chlamydia they could have just as eaisly have given you some other things.
SO what is the safest thing to do. No play with anyone other than your main partner.
But if that is not what you wish then:
The safest thing would be for both Prospective couples to stay monogamous for 90 days and then get tested.
This is all true to the best of my studies but anyone please feel free to correct me.
Now a single male looking for a rebound play - - That or rabid Ferrets.
[quote=PALS4FUN]Yeah, swinging can cause huge pressure on a marriage and totally screw it up. I'm sure that's why most swingers, myself included, would never recommend swinging as a way to "spice-up" a marriage that is having some difficulty. You definitely have to be on the same page as your partner in order to give swinging a go -- and then be pretty damn quick on your feet and adaptable as things get going -- perhaps in a direction that you didn't expect.
I don't get though, why the OP is back here if he's not interested in swinging for the long term or looking for a woman who is interested in it? Seems this OP is more suited for a singles-type site.
And Evil, yes I'd like to see your listing 'cause I'm guessing that at least one of the items involves a douche-canoe going over a large peefall before crashing into a turd log. Or other such silliness, much funnier than what I've just described! ;) Yes ... I know your personality here![/quote]
find a girl to join us - - [quote=BEARZYKINS]You guys think you're the only ones looking for a single girl? Welcome to the club. You have to aak yourself what you bring to the table, that sets you apart from the literally thousands of couples here looking for the same thing! My advice is to be patient, respectful, social and realize that YES this is a couples site!! Also a more flattering pic of the hubby wouldn't hurt. (Just opinion, no offense intended!!)[/quote]
Oh Oh!!!! guess I better not use this site and tell my friends and swing partners that I can't play here..... Didn't know it was a "Couples Site" ONLY, WTF? This is not a couples site.............. How lame.........
There are pleanty opportunities for real swingers here be it M, F or couples.... I have had plenty of contacts and playing on this site. Yes Unicorns are real and very hard to find, but once you have found one, you will love it. Question: Why are the single women called unicorns, they don't have a big protrusion sticking out like a single guy does, why isn't he a unicorn????
Maybe you aren't finding one cause you are all the way out in Hyrum......... Deet-da-Deet, Deet.....
Swingers In Uniform - Pay your memorial day respects here. - Um, Red Hun.
I completely get all the points in your post but the one thing that that jumped under my skin, is the statement that this Don Juan asshole is a "fucking" Democrat based on his fucked up views. My husband (and others in my family) serve(d) in the military too and WE ARE DEMOCRATS. Being one, I do not agree with the shit he said in his post and it serves him right for the backlashing that he received for what he said. I completely support our our troops and is very grateful for what they did and are still doing. I also know plenty of Dem. who feel the same way I do, just as I know a few Rep. who has that dickwads same point of view. But to place him in our category in such a derogative way, offends me. Its like saying "Oh shit, you smell like a wet dog when you get out the shower...You must be white" or "Damn, your nose is big...You must be black". See how offensive that is. Not to spark a heated thing in this positive thread, I just wanted to let you know. Now back to our regularly scheduled thread...lol
Plain and simple...We don't wanna claim him....try pushing his ass off onto another group... :p
Single guys and emails... - Answering all emails - except from single men who don't seem to read our profile - OK here's another post from another "Narwhal" (single male vs. "unicorn" single female) Valance I think you coined the moniker in another post and hope it sticks because it's comparative nature of desirability even with a 10 ft. pole. I really don't understand couples attempt for the exclussion of single males as not being"swingers" without also excluding the single females as swingers with statments like "stay out of the clubs, your not swingers"or" get a woman first" This is a lifestyle not an exclusive club and there are all types and interests. I admit there are many rude crude and impolite males out there but there are also the same in the couples and single women catagories too. What are my odds of finding a woman into and interested in similar sexual activities in a regular bar or dating site? I'm here mainly for the social aspect(and yes maybe sex!). My reasoning being if one can be open and honest about sex they can and usually are more honest about all other things and this has been a general experience with most of the people I have met. Yes there's sometimes drama .(90% of the time it's either insecurity or honesty related and you'll see me headed the other way..lol) but for the most part I have found all of you folks to be great to be around. I don't ever expect any replies to any email contcts I initiate or receive any initial contact,the good old days of letters of introduction and subsequent curtious replies are regretfuly long gone. The internet just makes it easier to ignore or not acknowledge someone. Wouldn't it be nice if everyone replied without fearing nasty rebukes for rejection issues? The single males are just looking for their needs and desires to be fulfilled just like all of you and don't deserve to be bashed for being single. Being rude, vulgar,overly aggressive or impolite is a different matter. All in all I say have fun and play nice no mater what your preferences are.
Verified "Real" People - - (quote) Sorry folks, you are wrong. This is not a "who is cheating on their spouse" site. This is a swingers' website. A site designed to allow persons to have sex with other persons who are not their legal spouse. The question is, "verified REAL people". The gentleman in question, who INFORMED the young lady who started this post that he was married and cheating, was apparently VERY real. It is not up to you to call this man out as someone to stay away from. It is ENTIRELY up to you whether or not you want him to have sex with your wife, KNOWING he is married and cheating.
Else, where do we draw the line? Is it up to me to send a note to the entire community if I believe your wife had a hygiene problem? Should I call her out by name in a forum and label her as someone to stay away from? I think not. The question was whether or not the guy was real...he was...and, again, probably more "real" than most of the people on this site. (quote)
DE2OFUS, you've missed the point by a country mile.
We Need Our Members Opinions!! - Please read and reply.... - We were referred by some friends. We were never swingers before. We always talked about fantasies but, didn't know how to bring them into reallity. Our first experience was at a party we were invited to from this site. We love the things we have expetienced and the friends we have met (some of whom we have not played with but, have developed great friendships with.)
I agree that things are a little slower. But, my only question is how do you become a featured member?
It seems like every time you log on, it's the same couples. We would like to be featured members. What do we need to do to earn our place on the main page?
This is a great site and we are gtreatful to you for offering such a great medium for networking with like minded people at such a great price.
Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - Well said Mr. X