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please be careful - - ...interesting comment from another site....
"Older folks swinging their way to STDs ..... older "swingers," ... are at high risk for chlamydia and gonorrhea" sounds very alarming, until you read the details and consider other factors.
"10.4 percent (risk) of swingers being infected ... compared with 14 percent of gay men, 10 percent in straight people who did not swing"
Really? Only a 0.4% increase over straight..." That's NOT a comparatively high risk.
In "... the over-45 population, they found 55 percent of the diagnoses for chlamydia and gonorrhea occurred in swingers, versus 31 percent in gay men" - This is meaningless without more data, such as the comparative size of the populations.
" The study authors hypothesize ...." Yeah, a lot of hypothesis and little to back it up. The only worthwhile line in this article is "...researchers recommend swingers be tested for common infections like chlamydia and gonorrhea regularly and practice safe sex."
Lifestyle after Death - What would you do? - If there were "TRUE" friends you damn right they would accept you if god forbid something happened to your wife/husband. We have a friend his wife died after having gastric bypass surgery. We all went to the funeral talk about solidarty but it was there for him,her family and their children. They were very strongly in the lifestyle and he is totally accepted by all us even if we don't chose to take a single man into our bedroom he was our friend when Christine was alive and he still is. We all get together about once a month have dinner go to a club just generally enjoy the company,and when I say we I speak about 2/3 of a yahoo group. I have come to find that friends within the lifestyle stick by you no matter what more so then friends who have known you long term. I believe its something about common ground we all share and the support network with the swingers lifestyle. Just my 2 cents *smile*
Becky and Jimmy
Friends? - Friends in and out of the bedroom? - It seems like there are two general classes of swingers. The 'one and done, "we already have all the friends we need just bend over and take it"' crowd and 'the more friends the merrier, in fact "we prolly won't fuck you until we know you a little better"' group. We fall into the latter group. In fact we're pretty much here solely for the friendships. I mean, if sex happens that's awesome. But it's not our raison d'etre cuz we can always go home and enjoy the hell out of banging each other. YMMV
Swingers in a vanilla bar... - - @JSTJIM72 -- I thought of that, but didn't have reply if they had said 'no' :) (And if they said "yes" -oops, then what do I say! LOL!)
@T4REAL69 - Huh? What typos? ;)
@Darknladyjedi - Sounds good. So, 'Hi, how are you two doing tonight" :)
Swinger Friendly Businesses - Business or services friendly to swingers - I do garage door work, installs and repairs. I am also a licensed gunsmith, hit me up.
Taking one for the team - Put a picture of your male half in your profile! - First of all, NOBODY should fuck someone they don't want to fuck. Having said that, though, we've found that "taking one for the team" is usually somewhat relative. It seems to quite often be the case that if you actually LOOK hard enough for attractive qualities in other people you are apt to find them. At least one or two qualities! LOL
We've almost never encountered another couple where one of us was attracted to one of them and their partner was completely unattractive. I guess if someone is reasonably attractive they're pretty unlikely to end up with someone who isn't attractive at all.
But we've also found (and yes, we're guilty of this sometimes as well) that many people sort of get in their own way, so to speak, when it comes to looking for people to play with and, often, almost look for reasons NOT to play and, in effect, end up talking themselves out of playing.
When we first started in the lifestyle it was FAR more labor-intensive (no internet swingsites) to look for other couples and there were far fewer swingers as well so if you were extremely picky you pretty much didn't ever actually end up playing. By the time most people jumped through all the hoops you had to jump thru to find other couples most people were pretty predisposed to playing, unless they were really turned off for some reason.
Now, it seems like there are just so many options, literally right at our fingertips, that perhaps it's just a little too easy to keep swiping left...always looking for the bigger, better deal. Again, don't fuck someone you really don't want to fuck but also, maybe, consider digging just a little deeper and see if you can't find something compelling about a person that could lead to a really great time in bed. What's that old saying about sex and pizza? [em]Emo_70[/em]
Game ON....which sign is Hornier...(is that a word?) - zodiac signs of swingers? - Astrology is all fun though I would never base a life decission on it but...From what I've seen in the lifestyle and pervin thousands of profiles, is all signs are represented but overwhelmingly noticed that the great majority are Cancers, Gemini's, scorpios, and pisces. the scorpios being the more outwardly sexual and the pisces being the ones who you 'd never know the fires inside till play time..lol Scorpios being least represented and cancers seemed to be the most prevailant.
Lifestyle Resorts Help - Wanting your opinions......... - We have never been to a lifestyle resort but we would love to go. We have been all over Mexico, never been to Jamaica. It is just about the only country/island in that part of the world we have not seen. We are really more interested in the resorts right now and your opinions/recommendations of them. We have been all over the Caribbean. Love just about everywhere we have been.
What have been your favorite swinger resorts and why? What have you not liked? Right now we really don't care about price or the time of year. We just want to get something on the calender to look forward to. Would strongly consider a swingers cruise as well.
Thanks all...........and Happy Humpday.
Having a Swingres day at lagoon - Swingers at lagoon - you had better do it quick... they close on the 28th.
New Swingers Club in Utah - Gauging interest in new club - The idea of a private club is great. Having spent some time in Europe, they are very uninhibited and get pretty wild. The idea of theme rooms or genres, would offer a great variety to appeal to everyone. We would be interested to see how it progresses. Would come regularly.