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What are you really looking for? - More than the profile - [quote=SIMPLEPLEASURES]Looks like we end to arrange a party that is tailored for couples to meet and see if they mesh. [/quote]
We love these type of events, say ten couples or so in a casual type environment, to big and it seems you get lost in the crowd. Then you only talk to the ones you may already know.
Or maybe we should do a speed dating for swingers, ten couples and ten questions to give to each couple.
#1 do you like sex
#2 do you like sex
#3 do you like sex often
#4 if we have sex will we still be friends
#5 would you like sex now
#6 can we have sex again
#7-10 When can we ?
That may work huh
That may work huh
Staying a couple in the lifestyle - - Our experience so far:
Religious > naturist > meet naturists/nudists who are swingers > soft swap > non-religious > full swap with couples same room > full swap separate room
Many lifestyle couples we know have followed a very similar path.
The rest of some of their evolution concerns us, especial polyamorous couples, triples, etc.
The tendency seems to be (very generalized) is to date and play separately. If the relationship becomes polyamorous, divorce seems VERY common.
We like having more than physical chemistry. Personality and interests are part of the package, but it is difficult to get an 8 way connection (chemistry between all 4 people).
We actually like the friendships more than playing, so we are comfortable where we are at the moment.
Identifying Swingers! - Lots of talk and now some action! :) - I heard it means either North American Swing Club Association or National Association of Swing Clubs of America.
Lava hot springs - - Big swingers party this coming weekend!
Help us out.. Take this Survey - For Utah Swingers - C's get degrees right? Done
Stabbing at swingers party? - - SCAREY!!!!!
Too Young? - Are we just too young... - I would love to swing with an older couple or younger couple. There are just a lack of swingers in my immediate area.
Amusing - Fakes.. ugh.. DESPISE THEM! - Ya, we've had this problem a number of times...
but...what makes you So sure it's NOt the girl from the website you mentioned?...are celebrities not allowed to be swingers?
just food for thought
Swingers cars??? - What ya driving?? - 93 Geo Metro! Yeah, it's got a 3 cylinder 1000cc engine!
Best thing is I got the car for free, and it costs $23 to fill up at $3.50 a gallon and gets 40 MPG!
Not bad considering my Subaru costs twice as much to fill up and gets half the gas mileage! Lol!
Adult Vacation Recomendations - We need some help what to do or where to go! - [quote=KRAZYGIRL]So here is a perfect deal for ya.
There is a group of 20 or so people from here going on a cruise in feb and it will go to Putreo Rico. And swingers.lol
Leaves on Feb 7th for a week.
It has all of the items you wanted and more. But time from kids is so much in need at times, just need to be an adult. [/quote]Can you also email us information on this Cruise & how long it will be we are very interested thank's