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Is it a “preference” or is it “ discrimination” - - [quote=EVILDOERS]Didn't realize this thread was apparently about skin tone. Fun fact. Skin is technically ALL the same color. It varies only by value, which is the relative lightness or darkness of a particular color. Saturation and chroma also play a role in how we perceive colors. Maybe a more accurate way to state your preference would be to say that you prefer that your lovers have a much higher skin tone value...of course, then you might be inundated by requests to fuck by albino swingers. But, based on the verbiage in your profile, albinos WOULD be the closest color value to your stated preference of "white".
Exactly, OmG you figured out my albino fetish ... crazy right ? 😂 👻
Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - Alton,
I do not deny that. Hilter, the KKK, Stalin, Osama Bin Ladin all had/have their opinions. Does that justify their actions??? NO.
It's my opinion that Marijuana should be legal ;-)
Sexy swingers closer to our age - 20-30 year old sexy swingers - Why hide your faces be proud of who you are and what you are
Hello summer - Swingers couple party - Is the event open to single males that are respectful and kind??
Cuming out of the Swinger closet - - Maybe we're approaching this from the wrong angle. Why exactly do you think you want to tell people you're swingers? Are you friends constantly asking you why you dress like cheap hookers whenever you are "just going out for a drink"? Do they wonder why you drag yourselves home at 5am looking like you lost a fight with a family of rabid raccoons? Do they think it's a little odd that when they walk up to you that SLAM your new laptop shut so hard the screen shatters or fling your new iPhone over the hedge in your yard? Are you tired of making up elaborate excuses to people that would make Jules Verne or Quentin Tarantino blush and say, "WTF?"? Or are you just major horn dogs who think that fucking other people is so fun that you might as well just fuck ALL you friends (and maybe even a few not TOO close relatives) while you're at it? I think answering WHY might give you some insight as to the real reason you think it's anyone's (other than your own) fucking business who you fuck or why you fuck them. [em]Emo_67[/em]
Carnival Legend March 29 - April 8 - - Any other swingers out there going on this cruise and would like to meet to meet for a drink or two??
J & L
Denver. what to do? - Headed to Denver next week, what must duo's are there? - I've lived on and off in Boulder/Denver for over 12 years and I can tell you the LS scene is booming! Yes, The Ranch (scarlet ranch) is great but you have to pay to get in and it's best when there's an event like NYE or a foam party (those are great!) I would get on scarletlifestyle.com, which is their companion site kind of like Swingular. There you can meet people in the area and see what events are going on at the Ranch while you're there. So the joke in Denver is...if you go to Highlands Ranch (SW Denver) and you see white rocks in the front yard then they are swingers. Denver, or to be specific, Highlands Ranch, is home to the largest swinger/lifestyle community in the country so enjoy! For fun, Shotgun Willie's (Glendale) and La Boheme (downtown Denver), both strip clubs, are fun and fillup with LSers on Friday and Saturday nights. Otherwise, the "clubs and bars" in Denver don't generally catered to swingers unless there's a hosted event. Hope this helps.
You know you are in the Lifestyle when.... - - haha. Good shit. If you haven't watched it, look up "Shit Swingers Say" on YouTube. Funny stuff.
Swingers Next Door! - ABC news story on Swinging! - Check this out. Also watch many videos that follow this!
FREE STAY! Swingers Party in the Caribbean at our beach house on - We would like to host a few couples at our beach house in Culebra, Puerto Rico. - we want more info! what is the closest airport?