
Hockessin Swingers in Delaware

Hockessin Swingers

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Swingers - a couples only lifestyle? - Are singles considered to be swingers? - Hehe.... thanks t4, good explanation. I not only swing, I swing both ways....back & forth, lol

What is hotwife? - - [quote=DELICIOUSLYWET]In our limited experience, remembering that we don't personally know everyone in the local "swinging lifestyle" community, "hot wife" seems to mean that the wife is free, and probably even encouraged to play with people, other than the husband or wife in a couple, that her husband and her play with in the more traditional definition of swingers. Mostly, it seems to refer to a wife that plays with single men. Most of the "hot wives" we have met, also play together with their husbands with other couples, or in threesomes with another woman or another man, and the husband enjoys similar freedoms. Cuckoldry does not seem to be all that prevalent locally, in our experience. So really, the term "Hot Wife" may be used rather loosely here in Utah. We ourselves are guilty of this. We are not at all into cuckoldry, or anything verging on disrespect, but we enjoy opportunities, and adventures, that for lack of a better description, verge on the worship of the divine feminine sexual experience, with my wife as the object of my and other's sexual adoration. How's that for a convoluted response! [/quote] Thorough based on personal experience and exactly what I have experienced as the single male in a hotwife situation.

Secret Swingers Club Ogden, UT - Clubs - I can't find the group on Facebook. I found the bars page but not the group.

Sexy swingers closer to our age - 20-30 year old sexy swingers - Why hide your faces if somebody on here knows you they are probably swingers also

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - As a couple we have played with single gentlemen many many times over the years. The only time that I can consider upleasent feelings or hate ever came up with any single is when I was told by him to please leave the room while he made it with my wife. We show that we do not play alone ( I do not mind watching her have fun at all ), and will often just watch. As couples the single gents must realize it may not be hate but protectiveness of our loved ones. It does only take one bad apple to ruin it for many. If the couple does not want to have contact with a single, they should just block them is all. Or just make it clear that both parties will always be present. No way do I mean to offend any single guy out there or single lady, both have the right to pursue their desires and pleasures.

Who’s had luck with single guys? - - [quote=Athleticeuropean]No worries, I will not participate in such forums anymore. Not use to be judged by people who has never met. Have a great weekend.[/quote] It’s Utah get used to it! Don’t worry about some of them, they can’t even show up to their own meet ups. But seriously put some pictures and info on your profile. This is a swingers site. If you want to join them you have to establish trust before they are going to take time to meet let alone fuck you. Most cheater singles are the ones with no pictures. We have met some great singles men on here. One or two will be long time friends.

swingin - thought this site was a swingers site -


Yeah and you should see through your infinite powers of observation that I didn't start this thread. Your point was? Wait I am not so sure you had one either. LOL Bottom line is folks, everyone craves controversy, drama and excitement. While most of us can admit it. Others try and take the "Holier than thou" approach and come in to such a thread and tell everyone how beneath them it is to discuss such things. That very act proves they too cannot stay away from the drama. They are hypocrites and lying to us and especially themselves. Sad state of affairs... For them. LOL.

-Don- "Ich habe einen kleinen Vogel in meinem Kopf."

Note: Best if viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer version 7

Hello summer - Swingers couple party - [quote=MoreFun4U]Short answer is because a large number of couples will not attend an event without some type of filter for single men, and without couples it's a non event. The reason why a large number of couples will not attend such an event are varied.[/quote] Having been in the lifestyle for a while now, here’s some experiences we’ve had. Parties with unrestricted access to single males: we attended a party with a ratio of 10 men to each woman, that was not a gang-bang. And only 3-4 of the women were willing to play (Mrs being one of them). It was not as fun and lots of people decided to leave after an hour or so. Parties with screened single men. These are usually better. These guys usually understand the expectations and are respectful. That being said some “coupled” men have gotten overly aggressive and have been asked to leave. Still these are generally much better, with folks much more relaxed and having a great time. The ladies feel more free to do as they like without feeling like they’ll be swarmed by dicks like they’re in a bukkake film. Clubs with lots of single men. First, when we arrived there were LOTS of men waiting to get in. Then when we got in, lots of dudes were all over Mrs. She does like the attention, but can get overwhelmed. When she did select a nice, respectful guy to take for some fun, we went to a play room and got undressed, then he let in 3 more dudes. Presumably he had an agreement to let his buddies in, and had not asked Mrs. if that would be okay. We told them to get out, all of them. Had to get staff to assist and escort them out. Never went back. And we’ve been cautious about venues with lots of loose dicks ever since. So it’s not usually anything about any single man in particular, but experience has shown us, and many in the lifestyle, that having lots of loose dicks about can at best put a damper on a party, and at worst generate lots of drama. And this is why we don’t attend events with lots of single men and very few of any other demographic.

Game ON....which sign is Hornier...(is that a word?) - zodiac signs of swingers? - Here are the totals as of 4-7-09 9:30am: Scorpio 13 Gemini 12 Cancer 11 Virgo 10 Aries 9 Sagittarius 8 Libra 8 Leo 6 Capricorn 6 Pisces 5 Taurus 5 Aquarius 4

SOTD - A place to post your song of the day...preferably funny ones. :-P - [quote=LILMISSRIDINGHOOD]I think you missed this one, Evildoer: Blow Me in the Car www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEEzrohbtdk[/quote] Oh, I have that one too but I like "God Is Gonna Fuck You Up", more. Cuz that's what He's gonna do to all you nasty swingers! [em]Emo_4[/em]

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