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Vegas: Swingers circle or couples oasis? - Which do I prefer - hotfire...which club?
How do you spot a Swinger..?! - tell tell signs of the lifestyle - Spotting a swinger on the outside is not easy. Then again, we are not looking for anyone on THE OUTSIDE. It's very easy to spot swingers at CLUB ELITE.. ;) We ALL are............
LDS Swingers Survey - Will any former/active LDS swingers take my survey? - done
Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - I don't think anyone is saying you should give single guys a try. No matter whether you motivations are insecurity, racism or just plain not turned on by it, you shouldn't feel pressured into something you're not into. However, it's not cool to come into a thread that's directed to those that are interested in them and spread intolerant messages about them, because you don't like them. In other words, it was an AB conversation C your way out. LOL!
I don't mean that directly to you AKLIM. I mean that to anyone that would make it their mission to spread intolerance of a group out of sheer spite. That kind of shit should no exist in our community. No one is asking anyone to do something they're not willing to do, but on the same token, don't get on a soap box and spread hatred of anyone, just because you don't agree.
If a single guy is at a party and you pack up and leave because you've got this preconceived notion that all single males are pigs and are just waiting for you to take a piss, so they can approach your wife, while you're away... I say this... 1) So what? Is your wife not capable of handling herself? 2) Are you not capable of saying, "Hey, Sorry man, we're not into single guys." I see that as no different that taking care of a couple you're not interested in. Quite frankly, there are far more asshole, disrespectful men in couples that we've encountered, then the single variety.
I know of a very respectful single male in the West Valley area that was a total gentleman and opens his home to couples so that they have a haven to party naked! lol.
Equal Treatmeat for all singles - singles - As a couple we feel that everyone should be treated the same. There are alot of males ( single or not ) that are gentlemen. And of course there are the ones that are not. We went to a swingers party once were the host was a married man (and his wife their also) that drugged all the females. So should he get away with it were he is a married man? I am a shy person and i respect people and their boundries. Where alot of married males do not. Weather or not I am or ever will be single you still have to respect other peoples feelings. No matter if you are married or single.
Camper talk - Swing parties in campers have you done it - [quote=DRAGONPUPS]We regularly camp with other swingers. RVs are always rocking at night. Word of caution, don't put 4 active people on one end of a pop-up trailer; it doesn't end well. :) Needless to say, we have a full-size RV now.[/quote]
Yea I wouldn’t imagine it would that’s why we brought a class A with hydraulic jacks
Joe - Swingers parties - Wish we were in Chicago. We’d help ya out!
LDS Swingers Survey - Will any former/active LDS swingers take my survey? - Done, looking forward to the results, probably no surprises though
Meeting new swingers? - Where to meet them? -
The net is by far the best way. The two main clubs near us are not good hunting ground and are pricey to join/attend. The next best clubs are in DC, but then you have 2 or more hours between anyone you might meet there.
Place truthful ads about what you want and don't be afraid to respond to the ones already posted. Also Yahoo groups are a great place to meet people by interest.
LDS Swingers Survey - Will any former/active LDS swingers take my survey? - So, I've heard of Salt Lake City as being described as one of the most active swinger communities. So, obviously there are quite a few active and former Latter Day Saints who are swingers. I'm a bit of a data nerd so I'd love to find out more (we are recent ex-mormons and are new swingers).
If you are (or were) LDS will you take my survey? I'll post results once I get a significant amount of responses.
I apologize if something like this has already been done.
[url=https://www.surveychampion.com/takesurvey/?survey=8FjB/4wbWElz04/k%200AX9vvLtoIaT6ekQRBC8/iO4rjrB4bKBUB5hw==]Click here to take the LDS Swinger Survey[/url]